PORT HURON, Mich.–Tengo famiglia. This phrase from Italian literally translates to “I have family.” But in the Italian culture, the meaning goes far beyond simply... Continue Reading
PINCKNEY, Mich. – Dio artistic director Steve DeBruyne is back at it. Running his theatre with partner Matt Tomich, playing the lead in Home for... Continue Reading
MARINE CITY, Mich.–It’s a great irony that, though some of life’s greatest lessons come as a result of our most intense trials, we often can’t... Continue Reading
ANN ARBOR, Mich.–In case you missed it, Editor-In-Chief David Kiley talked to Cynthia Canty about what is brewing in the Michigan professional theatre community. Its... Continue Reading
DETROIT, Mich.–If there’s anything more exquisitely gorgeous than murder and revenge in filthy Victorian London, you certainly wouldn’t know it after seeingMichigan Opera Theatre’s production... Continue Reading
By Angela Colombo DETROIT, Mich.–“We are all part of this cypher.” Could there be a better time in history to think of the world as... Continue Reading
DETROIT—Broadway in Detroit will present The New Colossus at The Music Hall, February 14-16, a new play written by The Actors’ Gang ensemble and The... Continue Reading
LANSING, Mich.–Decades after it burst onto the musical theater scene, the centuries-old story of Victor Hugo’s Les Mis still feels as relevant and compelling as... Continue Reading