ANN ARBOR, Mich.–In light of the continuing COVID-19 situation, the Governor’s Stay-at-Home order, and WHO and CDC guidance to limit the interaction of people in... Continue Reading
Jackson, Mich.–The Michigan Shakespeare Festival has cancelled its 2020 season and issued the folllowing: With theatres closing throughout the country, this is probably a notice you’ve been... Continue Reading
HOLLAND – With the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. on the rise and uncertainty regarding the disease’s impact and mitigation efforts in the... Continue Reading
DETROIT, Mich.–Wayne State's Theatre and Dance Department has made changes to its 2020-2021 season as a result of the Corona Virus pandemic that cuts its... Continue Reading
WILLIAMSTON, Mich.–Mid-Michigan’s award-winning professional theatre company, Williamston Theatre, located at 122 S. Putnam Street in downtown Williamston, presents the Michigan Premiere of These Mortal Hosts... Continue Reading
COLDWATER, Mich – For the past 30 years, Charles Burr has been the Artistic Director of Tibbits’ professional summer stock theatre program, but this year when the... Continue Reading
PINCKNEY, Mich. The Dio Dining +Entertainment here is connecting with its audience during the statewide lock-down by having cast members from its shows of the... Continue Reading
DETROIT, Mich.–Michigan Opera Theatre is proud to announce MOT at Home, a digital campaign that will provide daily opera and dance content during this time... Continue Reading