Encore Michigan

‘Good People’ is good, indeed

Review March 03, 2013
There's a rueful old joke about how people in Harlem in the 1930s never knew there was a Depression. Substitute Recession for Depression and the... Continue Reading

Some show!

Review February 25, 2013
"Charlotte's Web," E.B. White's novel for children about friendship and the power of words, is being lovingly staged this weekend by Ann Arbor's Wild Swan... Continue Reading

In music, What a Do reveals the pain of mental illness

Review February 24, 2013
The victims of mental illness spread far beyond just the person with the diagnosis. The condition insinuates its tendrils around every person who loves the... Continue Reading

‘State of Emergency’ in need of acute care

Review February 23, 2013
People can disagree on what elements are necessary for theater. Some might require a play to have a plot or characters or a theme. Others... Continue Reading

Meadow Brook rocks and shocks in polemical Michigan premiere

Review February 17, 2013
By Carolyn Hayes With a rollicking sound (music by Tom Kitt) and a plot centered on the foe and friend that is one woman's mental... Continue Reading

Divas of song and spirit

Review February 17, 2013
By Carolyn Hayes Plowshares Theatre Company begins 2013 by making good on its mission of "Celebrating the Black Woman" for the 2013 season. Arranged by... Continue Reading

Bustling ‘Joseph’ a saturated spectrum

Review February 09, 2013
By Carolyn Hayes With decades of roaring success under its belt and name recognition aplenty, "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" (lyrics by Tim Rice,... Continue Reading

Piecing together the relics of tragedy

Review February 08, 2013
By Carolyn Hayes Metro Detroit is no stranger to low-budget, guerrilla theater, which thrives on low overhead and creative repurposing of abundant vacant spaces. Add... Continue Reading

Week of 9/2/2024

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