In case anyone missed it, the election of a black President did not abate racism in the country. It made those who were racist double... Continue Reading
Late in Caridad Svich’s brand new play, agua de luna (psalms for the rouge), a man visits his pregnant wife (or girlfriend) in the hospital.... Continue Reading
New theaters seem to spring up like wild flowers; some wither almost immediately, while others enjoy a very long and fruitful existence. So when word... Continue Reading
The new play agua de luna (psalms for the rouge), debuting at Matrix Theatre Company on February 26th, doesn’t just depict a place—in this case, southwest Detroit—but it... Continue Reading
FERNDALE, Mich.–Robots are taking over the world. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has been replaced by such a machine but in... Continue Reading
There's something weird and wonderful going on in a former box company in a semi-industrial part of Ferndale. It's called Slipstream Theatre Initiative, and it has delivered... Continue Reading
This April, southwest Detroit's Matrix Theatre Company will celebrate a remarkable milestone: a quarter century of bringing unique performances to Detroit audiences. But before its... Continue Reading
How do you solve a problem like “Cinderella?” How do you freshen up a story this oft-produced, especially in light of Disney's 1950 animated feature... Continue Reading