Summer seems to be mostly about crowd-pleasing light or classic musicals, Shakespeare and new plays. Hear EncoreMichigan publisher David Kiley talk about what's new in... Continue Reading
On August 28, will name the winners of the 2017 Wilde Awards. Encore, each August, recognizes the best performances and productions of the previous... Continue Reading
ANN ARBOR—Theater professionals from across Michigan will gather Aug. 28 when The 2017 Wilde Awards are presented at The Berman Center for the Performing Arts... Continue Reading
CHELSEA—The Purple Rose Theatre Company (PRTC) will host its 5th Annual Backyard BBQ benefit on Sunday July 23, 2017 from 4:00–9:00 p.m. at the Chelsea... Continue Reading
JACKSON, Mich.–Why would an accomplished, strong feminist play the part of a strong woman who yields up her temperament to a man agreeing that even... Continue Reading
COLDWATER, Mich.–When the ballplayers come out in Damn Yankees in the first act and sing, “Ya Gotta Have Heart,” it is one of those moments... Continue Reading
HOLLAND, MICH.–When it comes to major social issues and changing people’s hearts and minds, relationships always trump rallies. The rallies and protests and national discussions... Continue Reading