AUGUSTA, Mich.–Like the plucky newsboys who “stopped the World” in 1899, The Barn Theatre’s energetic young company explodes off the stage and down the aisles... Continue Reading
DETROIT, Mich.–The Detroit Repertory Theatre is accepting registrations for its Fall 10-week workshop, and scholarships are available to low to moderate income participants. The cost... Continue Reading
CHELSEA, Mich. (August 10, 2017)— The Purple Rose Theatre Company’s (PRTC) 5th Annual Backyard BBQ raised nearly $250,000, double its previous record, to support the theatre’s 26th season... Continue Reading
JACKSON, Mich.–It’s hard to imagine a Shakespeare play more timely than Julius Caesar; a play in which the central character, Brutus, struggles with his inner... Continue Reading
DETROIT, Mich.–PuppetART has been a magical place in downtown Detroit for 20 years, but it will soon be closing. The combination theater and puppet studio/museum... Continue Reading
Check out EncoreMichigan editor and publisher David Kiley talk about what's doing and going on in Michigan's professional theatre community. This week Lester Graham fills... Continue Reading
DETROIT - August 01, 2017 - The Detroit Repertory Theatre will host a first ever neighborhood Arts & Culture Festival at its home in the... Continue Reading