ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich.–Burt Bacharach’s music, including that which he collaborated with on with Hal David, feels like the easy listening soundtrack for the late 1960s... Continue Reading
MARSHALL, Mich.–Though first produced nearly 25 years ago, Wit, Margaret Edson’s Pulitzer Prize winning drama, remains the most powerfully touching and relevant piece of literature... Continue Reading
HOLLAND, Mich.–Honesty is often considered the heart of any good relationship. But Michael Perlman’s new play At the Table makes it painfully clear that even... Continue Reading
WILLIAMSTON, Mich.–Mother-daughter relationships can be tricky in the best of times, but when you have a parent on a totally different time zone than her... Continue Reading
DETROIT, Mich.–“And she persisted.” Funny to consider that phrase apropos to a fairy tale princess, but darn if Opera MODO’s latest production Rossini’s La Cenerentola... Continue Reading
TRENTON, Mich.–In Time Stands Still, by Donald Margulies, we have what I consider to be an old fashioned play, but one that is thoroughly rooted... Continue Reading
DETROIT,Mich.–Baseball and opera. It doesn't happen, except for a staged flash mob in Comerica Park a few years ago to promote the Michigan Opera season.... Continue Reading
ANN ARBOR, Mich.–Hardly anyone wants to end up in a nursing home. To be fair, there are “senior living options,” and there are “nursing homes.”... Continue Reading
FERNDALE, Mich.–One of the benefits of adapting Shakespeare’s plays and changing genders of the characters as they lie, connive, dissemble, plot and generally act badly... Continue Reading
SPRINGFIELD, Mich.–For young people today, it’s easy to forget what it was like to be gay in the 1980s (or even earlier). AIDS was a... Continue Reading