"The Matchmaker," the final show of Hope Summer Repertory Theatre's season, is a great match for the directing talents of HSRT founder John Tammi. Tammi,... Continue Reading
By Carolyn Hayes Ever since there was a Broadway, there have been epic Broadway musicals ever topping themselves; to bring in top tourist dollars, producers... Continue Reading
What do you call 800 people enjoying a Shakespeare play outdoors on a warm July evening in midtown Detroit? How about a midsummer night's dream?... Continue Reading
Bring on that polar vortex. "Hot Mikado" at Hope Summer Repertory Theatre will keep the lakeshore warm. Talk about a sizzling show! That's not stage... Continue Reading
By Carolyn Hayes Not content to go dormant between mainstage seasons, The Ringwald has made an annual practice of throwing a bonus comedy production just... Continue Reading
Hope Summer Repertory Theatre's Children's Performance Troupe has discovered a delightful new children's musical, "The Doll People," which opened July 9 for a packed house... Continue Reading
It's clean and wholesome – a place where dirt gets washed away and a kiss can change a life. "Suds," now playing at Cornwell's Dinner... Continue Reading
Just when you thought the summer was finally getting warm enough, Mason Street Warehouse in Saugatuck cranks it up a few degrees with a sizzling... Continue Reading