Encore Michigan

Ann Arbor Pulp: Playright Joe Zettlelmaier takes center stage with three regional productions

Other Voices June 03, 2018

The playwright teaches at Eastern Michigan University, is executive director of a theater company, and has three of his numerous plays on stage locally this month.

Northville’s Tipping Point Theatre production of Northern Aggression opened May 17; The Roustabout Theatre Troupe production of All Childish Things opens May 31 in Milan; and The Penny Seats Theatre production of The Gravedigger: A Frankenstein Play opens June 14 in Ann Arbor.

Zettelmaier has written more than a score of plays that have been staged regionally and as far away as Calgary, Alberta, and Dublin, Ireland. He’s written comedies, dramas, science fiction, mysteries, and horror.

“I am an insatiably curious human being,” Zettelmaier said. “I have these little rules I’ve come up with for myself as a writer and one is never tell the same story twice and another is if you’re not challenging yourself, you’re not challenging your audience either.”

Read the rest if the post here: https://pulp.aadl.org/node/376839

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